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 Post subject: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Wed 15. Mar 2023 6:58:56 

Joined: Fri 26. Aug 2016 6:51:10
Posts: 228
Location: Austria
Hello Tomas.
1.When will the integration of Geolink settings for Jeti come?
2.Will there be any improvements to Coming Home?
Return accuracy to start position.
Swing about the pitch axis during return?

Kind regards Gernot

Greetings from Gernot

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Wed 15. Mar 2023 8:14:23 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12528

1. I dont know
2. Certainly there will be some improvements, but there should be no swing or any odd behavior when setup is correct. I dont know what do you mean unfortunately. So describing the problem could help. Return Accuracy is approximately 1m.

Spirit System developer

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Thu 16. Mar 2023 7:00:23 

Joined: Fri 26. Aug 2016 6:51:10
Posts: 228
Location: Austria
1. I think it's a pity that the integration of Geolink for jeti is not done. It would be good if the Geolink parameters could be set at the airfield (without a laptop)
2. If you can remember, we did a lot of testing with the Geolink V2, it got better and better in this phase, but the return position (height and position) are still not optimally achieved. Even the slight swing over the Pitch axis during return can still be seen.
So unfortunately by no means 100 percent.
3. And yes, my helis are set up perfectly and without errors.

Greetings Gernot

Greetings from Gernot

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Thu 16. Mar 2023 8:41:18 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12528
Have you seen videos on youtube about how it works for others?
There precision is more or less 20cm.

Can you share your settings?

It is very dependent on which mode you use for programming of the position.
If it is RTH mode 4 then it depends on how long you will leave model on the field before lift off.
If it is preprogrammed by computer then it is the most precise, because position will not change at all.

Precision of all GeoLink functions is directly dependent on precision of Stabilisation/Coaxial/Rescue mode. If there you can observe imprecision then it could cause big displacement in GeoLink functions.

Spirit System developer

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Thu 16. Mar 2023 9:09:39 

Joined: Fri 26. Aug 2016 6:51:10
Posts: 228
Location: Austria
Hi my files

Bank 2.4ds [255 Bytes]
Downloaded 56 times
Bank 1.4ds [255 Bytes]
Downloaded 62 times
Bank 0.4ds [255 Bytes]
Downloaded 59 times

Greetings from Gernot
 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Tue 04. Apr 2023 8:39:35 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12528

I am sorry for delayed reply.
We updated Troubleshooting section to help you with the problem.
Please take a look here: ... tion_drift

After checking your settings I recommend to:
Expert Settings - Pitch Pump Booster to 0.
This could cause excessive corrections for Altitude when Altitude Hold is enabled.

Also I can see that some parameters are at default - Geometry 6° - this parameter might require adjustment.

In linked Troubleshooting page, there is method for checking important settings:
    1. Enable Servos / Subtrim (tuning)
    2. At this point all servo arms must be in the center of their travel range. As close as possible - any visible deflection is not correct.
    3. At the same time swashplate must be perfectly level - you can check it really precisely only with Cyclic Leveler tool.
    4. At the same time there must be 0° between main blades. You can fold ends of the main blades so they are near each other. They must be at the same height wherever you will rotate with main shaft.
    5. Only after checking that all 3 are correct, verify that Geometry 6° parameter is configured precisely.

Please let me know if some point is not set precisely. It has direct impact to completely all GeoLink functions.
Module must know where is 0° to make small and precise corrections. With steps above it will be guaranteed.
At the same time Geometry 6° is working as Gain for all the corrections. Yet this parameter is also dependent on precise servo centering.
If measuring Geometry 6° without precise servo centering then measurement is completely off because center point can be up or down by several degrees.
For this reason Geometry settings must be done always as the last.

Spirit System developer

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Sun 09. Apr 2023 14:57:12 

Joined: Mon 03. Apr 2023 14:46:19
Posts: 65
ZeXx86 wrote:

I am sorry for delayed reply.
We updated Troubleshooting section to help you with the problem.
Please take a look here: ... tion_drift

After checking your settings I recommend to:
Expert Settings - Pitch Pump Booster to 0.
This could cause excessive corrections for Altitude when Altitude Hold is enabled.

Also I can see that some parameters are at default - Geometry 6° - this parameter might require adjustment.

In linked Troubleshooting page, there is method for checking important settings:
    1. Enable Servos / Subtrim (tuning)
    2. At this point all servo arms must be in the center of their travel range. As close as possible - any visible deflection is not correct.
    3. At the same time swashplate must be perfectly level - you can check it really precisely only with Cyclic Leveler tool.
    4. At the same time there must be 0° between main blades. You can fold ends of the main blades so they are near each other. They must be at the same height wherever you will rotate with main shaft.
    5. Only after checking that all 3 are correct, verify that Geometry 6° parameter is configured precisely.

Please let me know if some point is not set precisely. It has direct impact to completely all GeoLink functions.
Module must know where is 0° to make small and precise corrections. With steps above it will be guaranteed.
At the same time Geometry 6° is working as Gain for all the corrections. Yet this parameter is also dependent on precise servo centering.
If measuring Geometry 6° without precise servo centering then measurement is completely off because center point can be up or down by several degrees.
For this reason Geometry settings must be done always as the last.

Ive done everything you mentioned here.. this is what happends

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Sat 15. Apr 2023 7:47:47 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12528

I recommend to create your own thread, because your problem could be caused by very different reason than of the person that was asking here.
However I can see problem that inside the canopy GeoLink might not operate correctly. Could you by chance send some photos of mounting inside the model? And even better try without fuselage?
From the video it is clear that measurement and action is very delayed and inadequate. This could happen for example from turbulent air/pressure inside the fuselage or weaker GPS signal.
But could be also result of very, very tight mechanics - please check all push rods - they must move completely freely with zero friction. So basically move byitself on a ball linkages.

Spirit System developer

 Post subject: Re: Geo Link V2
PostPosted: Sun 16. Apr 2023 0:36:25 

Joined: Sat 26. Feb 2022 15:09:16
Posts: 69
ZeXx86 wrote:
Have you seen videos on youtube about how it works for others?
There precision is more or less 20cm.

Can you share your settings?

It is very dependent on which mode you use for programming of the position.
If it is RTH mode 4 then it depends on how long you will leave model on the field before lift off.
If it is preprogrammed by computer then it is the most precise, because position will not change at all.

Precision of all GeoLink functions is directly dependent on precision of Stabilisation/Coaxial/Rescue mode. If there you can observe imprecision then it could cause big displacement in GeoLink functions.

If it is RTH mode 4 then it depends on how long you will leave model on the field before lift off.

This is very true, speaking from my own experience. I wish there is more time delay before the blue LED turns on, to allow the GeoLink acquire more satellites. If you let it sit on the ground little longer, it will become more precise. More delay in the next update.... :) :idea:

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