Spirit System

Active bank as Telemetry parameter
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Author:  luanda [ Tue 03. Oct 2017 8:15:02 ]
Post subject:  Active bank as Telemetry parameter

I'm using the spirit gyro on several of my helis together with a jeti radio and I like it a lot, but I find it very annoying that every time you enter the gyro setup (through the radio interface) it forgets about the bank switching. I know others have already expressed the wish to change so that bank switching stays ON when you exit the menu. I think that would be the best, but as an intermediate solution I would like to see the active bank available as a telemetry parameter. This way it could be display on the main screen and user would get a visual confirmation on the active bank.

I don't know about others but I tend to forget what state i left the gyro in so I always need to enter the gyro setup just to confirm the active bank. Having bank as telemetry value would remove that uncertainty.

Thank you!

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 03. Oct 2017 10:05:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

The issue will be solved with the new BIN file for Jeti.
We are waiting for it - depends just on JETI Model.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 04. Oct 2017 12:17:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

New BIN file is available now.

You can download it here:

Current Bank is visible through the menus.
For closing the integration menu there is entry "Close the menu".
This replaced also the entry "Bank Switching via Tx".

Author:  luanda [ Tue 10. Oct 2017 19:14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

Just tested the new bin file. Better, but still the assigned bank switch cannot switch between banks while the gyro menu is opened. I can live with this but what I don't like is that if the gyro menu is exited without going through "Close the menu" the gyro appears to freeze at the current bank. Bank switching no longer works on the assigned channel, at least not until gyro power is cycled. This still gives an uncertainty on if the bank switching is live or not. Is it supposed to work like this? Do you have any planned update to improve this?

My fear is that if menu is exited incorrectly after increasing the gains, the "safe bank" will not be available in the event of the new gain putting the heli in a killer oscillation.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 10. Oct 2017 21:11:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

Yes, this behavior is correct.
It is very same as when you will leave PC software connected to the unit.
In this way the bank switching is under command of PC software. Very same as when you open the integration menu.

The behavior is very predictable - if you will ever start the integration menu, you should always close it in order for normal operation. Otherwise it is driven by the menu.
It is same between all the apps and integrations.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 10. Oct 2017 21:36:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

I think that we could add LED indication when the unit is in configuration mode. So then it should be always 100% clear.

Author:  Campbell [ Wed 11. Oct 2017 1:01:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

That's a great idea to add an led indicator. Even better would be to have the led change as you flick through the banks in a normal situation.

Author:  luanda [ Wed 11. Oct 2017 7:58:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

Cant you make it leave setup mode no matter how you exit the integration menu? I have now understood the importance of leaving the menu with "close the menu", but in other applications you normally leave the integration menu by clicking OK or just with ESC so its easy to make a mistake. I no longer will not but I assume new users may have this issue.

Having a LED indication is a good idea. Some other thoughts/ideas...

    have the Gyro put throttle in hold while in setup mode: No accidental flying in setup mode, but it only works for those who take the throttle through the gyro. Perhaps some even like to fly in setup mode for quick gain adjustment??

    Adding gyro state as a telemetry parameter: With a flag (1 or 0) you could setup a telemetry alarm so that you get a warning if you hit throttle while still in setup mode. Kind of neat, but it would not be useful for new users who have not realized the problem.

Anyway a LED indication is good but also only works for those who have realized the issue (and who can see the gyro).

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 11. Oct 2017 8:14:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

luanda: Unfortunately technically it is not possible to determine if and how telemetry menu was closed. Actually no transmitter is sending this information. And then if someone turn off the radio then it is another problem (at this point we dont know anything). So we can't check in which menu he is and what he is doing except stick movement.

It is only possible to make some assumptions made on (in)activity of the pilot in the configuration. But there is always risk of being wrong. Then the banks can change under hands which is very bad situation. And we can't prevent this in other way due to limitations.

Telemetry variable will work only for those that have telemetry support - this is just few percent of pilots we have. So this is unfortunately also not good solution.
Also only some of these telemetry-enabled can do alarms like this :(

In any way if pilots will read manuals (which they really should), then it will be no surpise for them - It is stated in each integration guide and also in the main manual with respect to bank switching. Behavior is still the same from 2012.

LED indication will work for all but as with telemetry variable it is question, if pilot will check it or not.

Author:  luanda [ Wed 11. Oct 2017 19:17:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Active bank as Telemetry parameter

ZeXx86 wrote:
In any way if pilots will read manuals (which they really should), then it will be no surpise for them - It is stated in each integration guide and also in the main manual with respect to bank switching. Behavior is still the same from 2012.

I have read the manual, probably as thoroughly as anyone else, and I think this was never clear. Perhaps I am the first since 2012? :) ;)

I think the manual clearly states that the integration menu takes charge of the bank switching while in the menu. No surprise there, but where does it say that the gyro remains in setup mode, with dead bank switching, if menu is exited incorrectly? To quote the manual.

When using the Bank Switching or Real-Time tuning features the menu will take full control of it. The unit will not react to a Switch position changes. For the Bank Switching there is a menu Bank Switching where you can manually change the banks.
Do not forget to click the Save Settings when you want to save a changes permanently.

This is from the jeti integration manual. The description in the main manual is similar. I may have missed it but I have not seen any warnings or instructions on how to exit the setup menu correctly.

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