Spirit System

(SOLVED) Spirit Gov and Talon 90
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Author:  Coco66 [ Thu 06. Aug 2015 6:35:39 ]
Post subject:  (SOLVED) Spirit Gov and Talon 90

After successfully configuring the Spirit Gov on the Blade 450X (stock "stupid" ESC), I am having a hard time in doing the same on my Goblin 500 with the Talon 90.

That's what I did to this regard:

1) Checked the Throttle in the Spirit Diagnostic tab, it is 0/+100 without requiring changes in the TX (DX8) travel (100%/100% there). This was done powering the Spirit with a receiver pack.

2) Configured the Talon 90 for External Governor and Fixed Endpoints (tried Initial Spool-Up Rate 4 and 5), no Auto Rotate

3) Configured the Spirit for Governor Electric, -100 and +100, Sensing divider 5, Gear ratio 10.35, Max head speed 3000 (plan to run flat 73% TC for 2200 and flat 90% for 2700), Response 5, Performance 4

4) Powered up, ESC does not arm, so did calibration: set min 70% and max 70%, powered up with full throttle (TC 0-25-50-75-100), ESC beeps, raised max to 126, so two more than the beep, lowered throttle, ESC beeps, raised min to -114, ESC arms

Problem is that running with TC 73%, Current RPMs keep going up and down between 1900 and 2500. Tried changing Response and Performance up and down, no changes. Running with 90% I get the expected kinda stable 2700.

To be noted, in the Diagnostic tab, now Throttle shows:
in Hold, -9% (instead of 0)
in Normal, up and down from 3% to 60% (while radio has a flat 73%)
in IU, 37% (while radio has a flat 90%)

What did I do wrong?
What do I have to do?

Author:  Scott H [ Thu 06. Aug 2015 11:38:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Gov and Talon 90

With the governor on, the throttle numbers in the diagnostic tab won't be right.

The cycling you describe sounds like tuning of the gov response and hold performance. Did you try changing the gov response to 3 and hold performance to 1 and then change only the gov response so it's powering well enough to maintain rpm in strong collective.

Manual describes this part well enough

Author:  Coco66 [ Thu 06. Aug 2015 12:10:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Gov and Talon 90

Thanks, I will try all possible configurations... I did not insist in trying that since it really sounded sooo wrong that I really thought I was doing something wrong.

I also read that somebody uses different Talon options (not "external governor"), I will also try those.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 07. Aug 2015 13:39:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Gov and Talon 90

It seems as your Governor Holding Performance is too high, so lowering should help you.
I also recommend to start with value of 1.

Author:  Coco66 [ Fri 07. Aug 2015 15:54:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Gov and Talon 90

Thanks guys, now that I know that I am not totally wrong I tried Response 3 and Performance 1 and it sounds better (on the bench without blades).

So I finished the setup and I am ready to maiden.

Funny that no forum addicts nor helifreaks are using Spirit with the Talon 90, I was hoping (I am used to) to get a specific answer "I have it setup like this" ))))))

Author:  Scott H [ Fri 07. Aug 2015 16:01:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: (SOLVED) Spirit Gov and Talon 90

I post to both, but when I ask a question it's here as it seems Tomas checks this with more frequency.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 07. Aug 2015 19:23:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: (SOLVED) Spirit Gov and Talon 90

I believe there are many pilots with this setup, but they are just busy. Hopefully they will share their setup files.

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