Spirit System

[SOLVED] Unit Damaged after crash?
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Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Wed 24. Nov 2021 4:02:17 ]
Post subject:  [SOLVED] Unit Damaged after crash?

Hi Forum,

I had an interesting crash today. I was hitting the ground pretty hard with the landing skid. The flying field was soaking wet and I saw that the trail rotor splashed some water in the air. The helicopter bounced right back in the air and without any input from me flew away. I couldn't even disarm the aircraft. The helicopter was still somehow stabilized since it was flying just in a straight line away from me. After a few seconds the helicopter disarmed. Murphy's law it was right about a small lake. The helicopter was for at least 20min completely under water until I could reduce it.

Once I made it out of the water, I used alcohol to get the water out of the electronics. The receiver, ESC, motor and Servos seem to be ok. The Spirit unit however is only showing a flashling red led and won't initialize. I tied to connect with the WIFI link, but even there no luck.

My question now, is there any chance to reactivate the unit?

I know it might be a lot, but the fact that all the other electronic parts survived made me hopeful.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 24. Nov 2021 9:20:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?


it is possible unit will work well.
If it is flashing smoothly (pulsating) then please try this procedure:
http://manual.spirit-system.com/index.p ... ing_Failed

Please let me know what is the status.

Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Wed 24. Nov 2021 22:22:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

I didn't had a lot time to test it. But the few times I tried it, it did not flash. The Software just stopt working and froze. I remember there was something special to do, since I only have the wifi link. I tried to start the software from the command line, to see if I get some debug messages.

I will try it again once I am back from the thanksgiving holidays.

However, I have from my receiver those to sort of special cables. Does anyone know what they are?

spirit.jpg [ 1.04 MiB | Viewed 439 times ]

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 26. Nov 2021 8:42:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Could you describe what is behavior of the LED light at the Spirit unit please?
This will tell us more.

Cable that is coming from servo port is SBUS adapter.
Other cable that is coming from S.PORT is FrSky integration cable. So the receiver is from FrSky.
Likely you have the first Spirit unit, am I right?

Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Fri 26. Nov 2021 15:30:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Luckily I took a video of the device before I left on my thanksgiving vacation.

Here is the link https://youtu.be/GovNkbz7m_k

Yes, it is my first unit. Yes, it is a FrSky receiver.

The unit including the receiver was in the helicopter when I bought it and besides long delivery times to the USA I like it a lot.


Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Mon 29. Nov 2021 2:30:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Alright, so I just came back from my vacaction and had some luck. Here is what I did:

Since I had trouble to connect the software with the WIFI module I used an USB to FTDI programmer, guestimated from the MCU of the Wifi Module that it should be 3.3V and connected it to the unit. Tada, the unit was running and I was able to flash the new software on it. I even see that some of the Servos are working.

I loaded the backup settings in the system and everything seems to be normal. That works as long as I donĀ“t disconnect the power. As soon as the power is gone, the LED is just pulsing.

Is there an internal battery or something like that?

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Mon 29. Nov 2021 9:48:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Thank you for the message.
I am sure it can be fixed easily. Can you please let me know serial number of your unit please? Please send me a private message.
There is no battery inside.

Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Mon 29. Nov 2021 13:22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Pm with Serial Number and screenshot sent.

Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Tue 07. Dec 2021 21:18:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Ok, so the unit is back up and running. Thanks to ZeXx86!

However, I loaded my backup from Software Version 3.2.1. Now I am running the latest version 3.3.3.

Usually when I plug in the battery the unit loads up and the unit is still doing it normal. When I am done, I can turn the heli around and the tail servo is trying to correct my movement. This is not working anymore.
The Tail servo itself works, when I move the stick on the radio.

Any hint which could direct me in the right direction? I had the gyro tail gain on a separate channel in order to compensate for different head speeds. But I believe all that is working.

Author:  Mike_Snoo [ Tue 07. Dec 2021 21:21:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unit Damaged after crash?

Basically from the manual: what to do if this one is not working?

Move the tail boom in any direction, the tail slider/rudder blades should compensate in the opposite direction.

http://manual.spirit-system.com/index.p ... rst_flight

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