Spirit System

Oxy 2: tail performance
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Author:  natedg200202 [ Thu 15. Nov 2018 16:50:27 ]
Post subject:  Oxy 2: tail performance

I'm loving my new Oxy to and uSpirit. I would like to get the tail working a bit better. It does not oscillate or twitch which is good. However, when I make hard punches up and down it kicks out. Specifically, (upright flying) when I go from full positive to full negative collective, the tail does pretty good. But, when I go from full negative (screaming downward) to full positive (pitch pump) the tail kicks out hard 90 degrees counterclockwise (when viewed from above).

The file is attached.

Oxy 2 (Stretch - 215mm blades), governor is by the uSpirit. running at 4200, 4500 and 4800 rpm. The worst tail kicks are at the lowest head speed. I'm using a separate channel for the tail gyro and it is at around 80.

It might just be the head speed is too low, but I'm interested in settings to make it better. I may run banks in the future so I can have the settings specific to each head speed.

EDIT: I flew last night and the tail kicks out as described in every headspeet. It is more pronounced at the lowest speed.

20181112 Spirit Settings A.4ds [255 Bytes]
Downloaded 74 times

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 16. Nov 2018 15:25:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oxy 2: tail performance


for Oxy 2 you might need to add some Revomix. I don't know what tail servo do you have but Revomix at 4 should improve the performance a lot.
With lower head speed mechanical gain is quite low so it is required to add Revomix also for this reason, at least for this model.

Other thing you could try is to decrease Rudder Delay to 0 (depending on used tail servo). And then to increase Gyro Gain until any oscillation is visible.

Regarding Governor I found that Max. Head Speed is configured to much lower value. So maybe you were using a trick from 2.4 version. Now you can set Gear settings properly, including head speed.

A proper governor configuration can help with tail performance a lot too.

Author:  natedg200202 [ Fri 16. Nov 2018 21:07:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oxy 2: tail performance

Thank you for the input. I will give these things a try.

Yes, Rudder delay is a bit of a mystery. The manual says it is based on servo speed, but for a new person in the hobby it is not clear what is a fast servo and what is slow. Listing some criterion would be helpful.

My tail servo is a Spektrum 3060.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 16. Nov 2018 21:12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oxy 2: tail performance

You can take a look at our Servo list:
http://manual.spirit-system.com/index.p ... t#Spektrum

Author:  natedg200202 [ Fri 16. Nov 2018 22:01:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oxy 2: tail performance

Great link (for the servo reference)! My apologies - I didn't know that existed.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 17. Nov 2018 21:13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oxy 2: tail performance

No problem. You are welcome.

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