Spirit System

[SOLVED] Spirit Pro stopped working
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Author:  Vicente_cgn [ Tue 07. Aug 2018 11:38:08 ]
Post subject:  [SOLVED] Spirit Pro stopped working


Im a little bit worried: I'm just done configuring my Spirit pro via Laptop. After that I switched it back to Jive Pro Telemetry via Jeti Integration and changed the cable on the sys-port back to the Kontronik telemetry cable.

After that the Spirit pro stopped working:
- after turning the device on it needs about 15 seconds to initialize
- in the device manager in my Jeti DS-16 it's shown as not available and I can't enter the configuration
- after initializing the led ist solid red
- during initializing the led is pulsing red
- when initializing the swashplate moves over the nick-axis (if this is relevant?)
- if I for example change pitch on the tx the reaction only comes several seconds later

I tried the recovery mode but the progress stays at 0%, both leds on the usb-adapter are lit.

I hope you can help me to get the device working again!? I don't have an idea what to do. :(
Before that the spirit pro seemed to worked flawless, also the jeti integration and the telemetry data worked without problems.

Hardware used:
Kontronik Jive Pro 120HV (Slave-BEC in AUX1)
Jeti Rex 3 (Master-BEC)
R2 Buffer (in AUX2)

Firmware: 2.5.0

Thank you,

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 07. Aug 2018 12:22:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working


I recommend to disconnect everything that is not necessary first.
For example servos, telemetry cables (also any additional peripheral that is connected in your receiver). Initialization should take just around 6 seconds. But there must be zero movement.

If swashplate pitch pump is looking differently, then the unit has Log saved with some Error that happened.

To access the SYS port with PC you have to turn off the transmitter or to disable Kontronik telemetry in the Jeti integration - but this is not possible I guess.

Could you take a photo of how the telemetry cable was connected in the unit?

Author:  Vicente_cgn [ Tue 07. Aug 2018 15:01:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working

ZeXx86 wrote:

I recommend to disconnect everything that is not necessary first.
For example servos, telemetry cables (also any additional peripheral that is connected in your receiver). Initialization should take just around 6 seconds. But there must be zero movement.

If swashplate pitch pump is looking differently, then the unit has Log saved with some Error that happened.

To access the SYS port with PC you have to turn off the transmitter or to disable Kontronik telemetry in the Jeti integration - but this is not possible I guess.

Could you take a photo of how the telemetry cable was connected in the unit?


thank you for your help. :)

I have removed everything but BEC-Slave from the Spirit Pro und the LED still pulses für 16 seconds till it stays solid red. :(

Then I tried to connect it to my windows-pc in this configuration but the device isn't found though the transmitter is turned off and the connection to the RX was pulled. Also the recovery mode doesn't work in this configuration.

Here's the Picture:
Spirit_pro_TDF.jpg [ 213.8 KiB | Viewed 553 times ]

So I describe what is connected:
Kontronik Telemetry
- Single cable: ELE-Pin
- cable with three pins: SYS-port
- orange cable: AIL-Pin
- red and brown cable: RUD-port

So, what can I try next? :cry:

With kind regards,

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 10:48:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working

From the photo connection looks good.
Unfortunately it look like the unit is somehow damaged. But without wrong connection this should not happen in any case.
Do you have any multimeter? If yes, you can at least measure if some high current/voltage went in a wrong pin.
I can tell you how to measure it.

Unfortunately it will be needed to send the unit to us.

Author:  Vicente_cgn [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 11:28:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working

ZeXx86 wrote:
From the photo connection looks good.
Unfortunately it look like the unit is somehow damaged. But without wrong connection this should not happen in any case.
Do you have any multimeter? If yes, you can at least measure if some high current/voltage went in a wrong pin.
I can tell you how to measure it.

Unfortunately it will be needed to send the unit to us.


that's bad news but that's how it is. :(

I've already checked the BEC-Outputs - it's both 8V as I configured it in the Jive Pro Setup.
If there's another Voltage-Output I should check please tell me. Not that the same problem happens again.

Do I have to send the unit to this adress?
Spirit System
Tomas Jedrzejek
K Olsine 28
73514 Orlova-Lutyne
Czech Republic

The unit was bought on 04. Juni 2018. Do you need the invoice number?
Should I send only the unit or the complete package with cables, USB-Adapter etc.?

Thank you for your support,

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 11:36:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working

You could measure resistance between ground (-) and any signal pin that is in the unit.

You can see where are the signals - no mark at the pin from this scheme:
http://manual.spirit-system.com/index.p ... Spirit_Pro

You should measure resistance always over 40kOhms, rather few megaohms. If it is just few ohms or kiloohms, then it is unfortunately really damaged as a short developed there.

Yes, address is correct.

Author:  Vicente_cgn [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 14:14:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working

ZeXx86 wrote:
You could measure resistance between ground (-) and any signal pin that is in the unit.

You can see where are the signals - no mark at the pin from this scheme:
http://manual.spirit-system.com/index.p ... Spirit_Pro

You should measure resistance always over 40kOhms, rather few megaohms. If it is just few ohms or kiloohms, then it is unfortunately really damaged as a short developed there.

Yes, address is correct.


I checked the resistance between the ground signal on RUD and every signal pin and I get everywhere values between 42-48 MOhm. :?:

Tomorrow I send the unit back to you, I'm really curious what you will find.


Author:  Vicente_cgn [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 14:51:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working


I just tried a few things and what I found is really mysterious (at least for me):
- after the unit is booted and I give any input (for example roll left) it takes several seconds till it reacts
- if then I continue to give inputs it reacts at once
- if I pause giving inputs it goes back to sleep again and needs some seconds to react to a new input
- if it's "awake" while I'm giving inputs I can access it during the device explorer in the Jeti DS-16
- this way I could deactivate the telemetry and connect the device via the usb-adapter to my laptop
- the spirit software can only access the unit while it's awake and I'm giving input commands all the time
- this way I took a look at the logfile and there I see the message "Main Loop Hang occured" several times
- the RX seems to be ok, while the spirit pro is in "sleep mode" I can control the engine rpm without problems

Here is the logfile:
spirit-log-2018-08-08-153557.pdf [65.01 KiB]
Downloaded 63 times


Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 19:46:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working


the values are looking good. The behavior is very interesting as if receiver is connected somehow improperly or sending strange data.
Is it possible to not connect receiver?

Could you please let me know if you can see serial number in the Connection tab - is the last digit "....-10"?

Author:  Vicente_cgn [ Wed 08. Aug 2018 20:57:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro stopped working

ZeXx86 wrote:

the values are looking good. The behavior is very interesting as if receiver is connected somehow improperly or sending strange data.
Is it possible to not connect receiver?

Could you please let me know if you can see serial number in the Connection tab - is the last digit "....-10"?


As written above I tried booting the unit with Slave-BEC only and the boot time was still 15-20 seconds. That's why I would exclude the receiver as the problem though that was my first guess too.

I'll try to get the serial number tomorrow morning.

Good night,

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