Spirit System

[Solved] Spirit Pro Gov. increases head speed during rescue
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Author:  Kluftinger [ Sun 10. Jun 2018 17:42:00 ]
Post subject:  [Solved] Spirit Pro Gov. increases head speed during rescue

My 450 DFC Clone runs fine at 2000 rpm as a trainer with 900g weight with standard adjustment for gov.

I put the heli now in a fuselage and changed to S-shape blades (from 26 to 40 g per piece). Head speed is at 2100 rpm.
The tail is holding position during faster climbs but not during "rescue". The heli turns left between 90 and 180 deg.

But after "rescue" the head speed is at 2300-2400 rpm and doesn't come back to 2100.
I changed Gov Response to 7 and then to 8 witch doesn't make the tail hold during pitch.

I would like to install M-Blades with 66g but with those I will be in danger, because they have a low revolution limit.

As an attachment you find the last logfile from today (40g blades) and the setup file from bank 0 and 1.

What is wrong with my setup for this scale 450 (1.200g)?

450 DFCX Rescue_20180610_1.4ds [255 Bytes]
Downloaded 124 times
450 DFCX Rescue_20180610_0.4ds [255 Bytes]
Downloaded 123 times
spirit-log-2018-06-10-132117.pdf [86.79 KiB]
Downloaded 134 times

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Mon 11. Jun 2018 7:14:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro Governor increases head speed during rescue


it look like you have different Gyro Gains for normal flight and the rescue mode.
For this reason tail is not holding. Maybe you have also differently configured throttle curves. Do you use a different flight mode for the Rescue?

If it works well when you are flying normally, then very likely there is only problem in the radio configuration. It easy to verify what is changing when you activate the rescue mode - just check the Diagnostic tab.

Author:  Kluftinger [ Mon 11. Jun 2018 10:07:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro Governor increases head speed during rescue

Thank you for your quick answer.

I'm changing bank 0 (coax) to bank 1 (rescue) with the momentary switch on my DX7g2.
The switch is assigned to ch7 an the signal goes from +100 to 0.

While trying differtent adjustment go keep the tail in "rescue" from turning I must have created different data for bank 0 and 1. :?

I will even out these different adjustments:

Limits - Pitch Range 140/160 to 140 for both banks.
Sensor - Rotation Speed - Rudder 6/8 to both 6
Advanced - Pirouette Cons. 165/160 to both 165
Advanced - Rudder delay 2/8 to both 4
Governor - Gov.Resp. 5/4 to both 5

If any of those parameters should have a different number for both banks, please let me know.
I'll try the above adjustments today.

One other idea came to my mind:
The Spirit Pro was at least in two other helis and was always just re-programmed, NEVER set to factory level for transfer.
Could there be a problem with this process?


Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 15. Jun 2018 10:48:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro Governor increases head speed during rescue


sorry for delayed reply.

Factory reset is not required, but while doing only reprogramming of some values, there is high chance that some important parameter was not configured.
Then configuring it later could cause an imprecision in other parts. For this reason at least usage of the Setup Wizard is always recommended for a new models.

For sure Governor gains should be same between banks. Pirouette Consistency should be same if RPM is same for both modes. When changing RPM just for the Rescue, it might not work well as there is high demand for the motor and rudder. So especially rudder is unable to react immediately to it.

Author:  Kluftinger [ Sat 16. Jun 2018 20:31:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit Pro Governor increases head speed during res

After doing a few test without any changes to stable tail in "rescue" I founf the following in the manual under 7.5:

"Governor can be deactivated in flight by switching to a Bank where Governor is disabled in the Spirit Settings. It can be also re-activated by switching back to a Bank with enabled Governor."

Then I found, that under bank1 (rescue) the check box for the governor was empty :o

The tail is now stable under "rescue" :D

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 16. Jun 2018 20:35:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: [Solved] Spirit Pro Gov. increases head speed during re

Well done :) Thank you for the message.

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