Spirit System

Strong drifting during bailout
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Author:  Rainer [ Sun 14. Dec 2014 18:22:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

I already use a momentary switch for 2 years with BD3sx - unfortunately with my protos rescue doesn't sometimes work that good with spirit. I just has realy small drift with BD3sx, Sometimes drifts have been that strong with spirit that the heli was flying very fast away from me without gaining altitude. In this situtation I want to be able to level the heli and bring it under control before I will release bail out.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sun 14. Dec 2014 18:25:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

I am trying to tell you that if bailout will still drift then it can be potentionally even worse. Thats why I recommend to find the problem.
It is possible, that such vibrations are occuring only under high load. Your vibrations graphs are not bad at all.

If you wish I can send you another unit to do more tests and verify where the problem is. Normally it should be much more precise than with BD.

Author:  Rainer [ Sun 14. Dec 2014 18:40:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

Don't understand me wrong - I really really like how the spirit flies !!!!!- in normal flight it feels more conected and precise than BD. Just the bailout worked for my protos a lot better with BD. I'll try to handle the vibs on my protos- it's just very difficult as one time there are excessive vibes and in the other moment there are hardly any.

I don't think that my spirit unit doesn't work as it should.
I'm just only thinking about whether I should replace my 2 BDs for my diabolo 700 and my comming diabolo 500.


Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sun 14. Dec 2014 18:51:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

I understand, but as I said if BD bailout is working better then something must be wrong. If the problem is not in the position or settings then it can be potentially something with your unit. I am open to all possibilities, so I want to help you. Bailout and conventional flight are very different so there can be a difference in performance.

Author:  Rainer [ Sun 14. Dec 2014 19:00:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

Thanks a lot for your offer.
I've just checked vibs again - and at the moment they are all below 15 - overall level is 10.
I will do some more test flights with this unit and if I still have the problems with bailout I would like to come back to your offer and do some test with annother unit.
Hopefully everything works fine so that I will feel comfortable to replace also my other BD with the Spirit.

Thanks a lot for your promt support all the time!!!

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sun 14. Dec 2014 19:01:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

OK, no problem.

Author:  Rainer [ Sat 20. Dec 2014 12:53:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout

Hi Thomas,

after vibs on the head seemed to be under control (values below 15) I have done some further test flights today.

Observations I made:
1. bail out seems to work fine for about 3 minutes.
2. but the longer I fly the more unprecise bailout seems to work- so that I have strong drifts again after some minutes
3. it doesn't relevel itself again in normal flight (hc3sx itsel again)
4. even after landing the swash plate is sometimes (up to about 45 degree) strongly unleveled when using bail out after landing despite swash plate is completely leveled in normal flight mode (which reflects the drifts in flying while using bail out).

At home I did some vibs analizations again.
Initially I have really low vibs (total 11 and one peak of max 20).
vibs  protos 20,12.2014.png
vibs protos 20,12.2014.png [ 19.7 KiB | Viewed 677 times ]

After some minutes vibs are higher (total 25 and peaks below 45) - but in an acceptable range I think.
vibs peaks on bench 20,12,2014.png
vibs peaks on bench 20,12,2014.png [ 24.48 KiB | Viewed 677 times ]

The only explanation could be that vibs are much higher during flights.
The problem is I can't test level of vibes with blades on the heli and flying.

Do you think vibs level on the bench are still too high?
In the meantime I've orderd almost all bearings for replacement (as vibs rise after some minutes and it could maybe be caused by higher temperature of the bearings) - but not yet received them. Honestly I don't think my problem will be solved with the new bearings - maybe slightly lower vibes but not drastically actually level seems not so bad.

Any other ideas I could try?

BR rainer

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 20. Dec 2014 13:26:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strong drifting during bailout


I think vibrations are in normal level from attached graphs.

Upcoming firmware should tell you more about too high vibrations during the flight in the log along with other improvements.
I will send you private message regarding next steps.

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