Spirit System

Protos 500 Tail Kick
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Author:  Scout [ Mon 05. Sep 2016 11:52:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

While it's spinning it's harder to move but seems logical to me because it always wants to move in the middle during rotation.
It's a little bit hard to move with 1 finger but I am able to move it, on my Oxy it's not a lot easier to move and the Oxy flies well.

What do you mean with "Another possibility is that tail slider not rotating freely (part with 2 bolts is problematic)."?
Do you mean this: Image ?

Thats only rotating in the middle, when I move the tail left or right it stops rotating...

Author:  Scout [ Thu 08. Sep 2016 9:35:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

Okay :D

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Thu 08. Sep 2016 9:47:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

Sorry for the delayed response. Yes, I meant this part.
But if it is rotating at least in the center, it should be good.

Author:  Scout [ Thu 08. Sep 2016 15:55:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

Okay you were right. The savox didnt solve the problem, its only a little little bit better but still not how i want it to be.
Now i dont know what to do at all :D

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Thu 08. Sep 2016 21:53:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

That is sad.
Unfortunately it really look like some mechanical issue.
From my experience it is not too easy to make it really smooth although it might look like perfect.
But once it is sorted, it will fly well even with a bad servo.

In the other way, you will get unwanted effects such as tail hunting during hovering, poor performance or tail oscillations, poor or unequal stopping behavior.
So all these issues will then disappear.

Can you tell me if the model flew well previously? Or is it a new kit?

Author:  Scout [ Fri 09. Sep 2016 19:55:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

Today I tried new bearings... Didn't solve the problem.
I dont feel any resistance when i move the tail with my fingers.. So I've got no idea whats the problem and i dont know what I should test now.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 10. Sep 2016 14:57:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

Can you attach your settings file please?
At least I can verify if everything is OK.

Author:  Scout [ Sun 11. Sep 2016 17:45:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

I solved it :D
I increased the Gain (I thought that I dont have to do this, because I've already done this with the old Servo but with the Savox I could increase it again) a little bit and piro consistency and set rudder delay to 5 now everything is fine.
Now the stops are better than the Oxy's. Now i have to tune the Oxy again :D

Stops are better clockwise than counterclockwise so basically the same problem with the Oxy.

Edit: I tried many different settings with the Oxy today...
-Rudder delay 0-10 (0 was the best I think)
-Piro Consistency 150-185 (180 was the best, but that's quit high for such a small heli, isn't it?)
-Added Revomix 3

Settings at the moment are Rudder delay 0, Piro Con. 180 and Revomix 3, during Pitchpumps the tail doesn't move a millimeter, so that's perfect but counterclockwise stops are still not good.
Normally you only hear 1 noise during stops but if I do counterclockwise Piros and stop there are always 2 noises fast in a row. Therefore it always stops, then moves back a little bit clockwise really fast and stops again.

As I said exactly the same behavior like the protos had before but with the Oxy i can't find the right settings.

The whole tail is new, and moves very smooth, the Servo (KST215) is also new.

Is unequal stopping behavior general a little problem with the spirit? Because I've got 2 Helis with 2 Spirits and with both unequal stops...

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Mon 12. Sep 2016 12:54:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

Thats great!

Regarding your stopping issue - no, it is not a general problem :) Actually there are algorithms from 2.1.0 that are making it much better than normally to reduce overshooting as possible.

Your pirouette consistency is too high - this is why you hear 2 noises. So reducing little bit will help.
To make stopping equal you have to just set mechanical center for the rudder. This is usually main reason, why stopping is unequal.
With Protos there is too much throw for one side, so you can reduce it in limits. This should solve the problem completely.

Author:  Scout [ Mon 12. Sep 2016 19:13:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Protos 500 Tail Kick

The most important Things are that the limits in the Software are nearly identical (e.g. 120 right and 120 left) and the max. Pitch on the tail has to be the same on both sides, if I do it like that the center position has to be right automatically, is this the right way to set the tail up?

So far I just set the center position simply with 2-3 degree against the torque and after that I went to the Limits in the Software and set them as big as i can but the limits were not equal (I think it was 90 and 123)... Is this the wrong way to adjust the tail?

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