Hi folks,
I'm pretty new in the heli world (and FBL modules), but I'm quite experienced with OpenTX.
So, I decided to share OpenTX settings.
The attached
.otx files are for FrSky X7, X9 and Horus.
Important: Those programming examples are assuming that you don't use a Governor mode.
If you do so, then the curves 1, 2 & 3 must be replaced with a linear 2 points curve (or a MAX source in the mixers MENU).
FM: Flight Modes
GV: Global Variable
SF: Special Function
LS: Logical Switch
I've done 3 kind of setup:Spirit Full → This setup is using FM + GV + SF + LS + Timers + Throttle security + Bank switching + Stabilisation
Spirit Basic → Basically, this is the same as "Spirit Full" without Timer, GV & SF.
Spirit Old → This setup is using FM + GV + SF + LS + Timers + Throttle security + Bank switching + Stabilization using the old way (inverting the gain).
Now, I will explain a bit more in details each settings menus. Please refer to the summarize above if the MENU section is part or not of the chosen setup.
General MENU:The throttle source is CH3 (Throttle).
3 timers are used.
Timer1: This is the "engine" time ("ENG" for the X7). The timer will increment proportionally to the Thr position (TH% function).
Timer2: This is the "flight" time ("FLY" for the X7). The timer will start as soon as the throttle security is off.
Timer3: This is the "total" flight time ("TOT" for the X7) of your model (persistent timer). The behavior is similar to Timer2, but it will never be reseted. If required, the reset must be done manually.
Inputs MENU:25% of expo are applied on Ail, Ele a Rud.
Must be change accordingly to your flying style.
If required, dual/triple rates must be done in this MENU (nowhere else) conditioned by a switch or a FM.
Flight Modes MENU:The switch SE is used.
FM0 = SE↑ (SA↑ for X7) = Normal flight mode.
FM1 = SE- (SA- for X7) = IDLE-UP flight mode.
FM2 = SE↓ (SA↓ for X7) = 3D flight mode.
Ail, Ele, Thr and Rud trims are disabled.
Global Variable MENU:VG1 is used for the Spirit gain.
A different gain can be apply for each FM.
NB: in the "Spirit Basic" setup, GV are not used. Instead a constant value (MAX source) is directly program in the Mixers MENU.Curves MENU:CV1: Throttle curve for the normal flight mode (FM0).
CV2: Throttle curve for the IDLE-UP flight mode (FM1).
CV3: Throttle curve for the 3D flight mode (FM2).
CV4: Pitch curve for the normal flight mode (FM0).
CV5: Pitch curve for the IDLE-UP flight mode (FM1).
CV6: Pitch curve for the 3D flight mode (FM2).
Mixers MENU:CH1: Aileron → source of the mixer: input [I1:Ail]
CH2: Elevator → source of the mixer: input [I2:Elev]
CH3: Throttle → source of the mixer: input [I3:Thr] through the curve CV1, CV2 or CV3 (depending of the selected FM). A logical switch L02 force this channel to -100% (throttle security).
NB: If you do use the governor mode, you may also used the MAX source instead the curve. It will save few bits in the radio's EEPROM. CH4: Rudder → source of the mixer: input [I4:Rud]
CH5: Gyro gain → depending of the chosen setup, it can be a constant value (MAX +xx%) or it can be VG1 (value depends of the selected FM).
NB: in the setup "Spirit Old", an extra line is added to invert the Gyro gain through SH↓. This will enable the Rescue mode.CH6: Pitch → source of the mixer: input [I3:Thr] through the curve CV4, CV5 or CV6 (depending of the selected FM).
CH7: Spirit bank switching → source of the mixer: SB switch. The Spirit unit must be program accordingly. SB↑ = Bank0, SB- = Bank1, SB↓ = Bank2.
CH8: Mode → source of the mixer: SH↓ switch. Use to enable Rescue, Stabilization mode. The Spirit unit must be programmed accordingly.
Logical Switches MENU:I mimicked the behavior of my old Futaba.
To arm the engine and disable the security, the Throttle must be at -100% AND the SF switch must be in position ↓.
This is achieve with the LS1 and LS2.
If LS2 is FALSE, then the engine is disable (security ON).
If LS2 is TRUE, then the engine is arm (security OFF).
Special Functions MENU:SF1: Play the sound file "Engine started" or whatever you want.
SF1: Play the sound file "Engine stopped" or whatever you want.
SF3: Start to logs data when the engine is arm.
Outputs MENU:This section is slightly different of the OTX file which can be downloaded from the Spirit website.
With those settings, I got exactly +/-100% on the input channels diagnostic tab under the Spirit Settings application.
Tested on a Spirit and a Spirit Pro with a X4R-SB and a X6R.
PPM center must be set to 1520µs (Futaba center).
All min/max must be set to +/-82.8% excepted for:
CH5: Gyro → -95.8%/+94.8%
CH6: Pitch → -84.0%/+82.0%
Direction of channels CH2 & CH6 must be inverted.
TelemetryThe last point will cover the telemetry data. Off course, you need the integration cable as well explained here:
<< OpenTX Integration >>.
So far I got only HobbyWing ESC (Platinum 60A v4 & Platinum 80A v4). So the list is probably incomplete.
The instance number of the Spirit unit telemetry is 4.
ID: xxx → Default name → [default unit] → Meaningful name (the name I use on my FrSky) → Description
ID: 0500 → RPM → [RPM] → RPM → Blades and multiplier fields must be set to 1.
ID: 5120 → 5120 → [RAW] → Gov → Governor: this is the throttle command send to the ESC.
ID: 0600 → Fuel → [%] → Vibr → Vibration level.
ID: 0B00 → RB1V → [V] → LiPo → Main battery voltage.
ID: 0B00 → RB1A → [A] → Curr → Main battery current.
ID: 0B30 → RB1C → [mAh] → Capa → Consumed capacity
ID: 0400 → Tmp1 → [°C] → Temp → ESC Temperature.
Important Note:
Don't forget to remove all sensors, then run the "discover" sequence . Your telemetry setting are probably different of mines.
Off course this mut be done from your radio when your model is powered up.If you want to display the consumed power, then you can create a custom sensor:
Pwr: Calculated / Multiply / RB1V / RB1A [W]
Note concerning the HobbyWing ESC:- Be sure to update them to the latest firmware.
- The Platinum 25A/40A/60A don't include a current sensor. 80A version (or greater) does include the current sensor.
- For some reason, the ESC will report current consumption only when the engine is under load condition. Meaning without the blade, you will probably read 0A (which is not really true).
Note if you are using the governor mode:In the Governor/Throttle settings, you must specify the "Max. Head Speed".
In order tho chose the right % in your FrSky radio, you must do this calculation:
"% to program" = ("Wanted RPM" / "Max. Head Speed") * 200 - 100To get the "Wanted RPM" value:
"Wanted RPM" = ("programmed %" + 100) * "Max. Head Speed" / 200For this example, we will consider than the max head speed value is
3000 rpm (this setting must be programmed in the Spirit unit).
Let's said you want
2500 rpm.
Then, this will give:
3000)*200-100 =
66.666..%67% is the value you want program in your radio.
Let's says you want to check a value already programmed in your radio. If you got, for example,
67%, then the reverse operation would be:
3000/200 =
2505 rpmTips:Since the trims are disabled (Flight Modes MENU), you may use the trim buttons to launch some special function.
For exemple, I'm using ThrTrim Down or ThrTrim Up to read the flight timer and the consumed capacity.
Very handy.
If you don't use more than 8 channels, you must select the channel range from 1 to 8 (instead 1 to 16).
Thus, the gimbals position will be send every 9ms instead 18ms to the RX.
That's it !!
I hope this
HowTo will be useful.